
edumacated. gradumacated. i am elated. (and a poet.)

Bittersweet ending to the most incredibly dynamic three years of my life thus far. And now, all that remains is to party and pack and pass the remainder of my time here with the remainder of the awesome people that I know here.

It's kind of a big deal.

I'm in a daze. So much so that I may start shopping for new clothes in September and try looking up the books I need for fall quarter.

I'm still freezing from this goddamned unusual June weather. I lost my cap twice to the howling winds of change today.

Fuck. I'm going to miss everyone. The theatre department graduated thirty people this year; I think twenty-eight of them walked today.

Although it was awesome to see you there (smiley face/blush). It will be interesting to see where this goes--where you and I go--where we go. You are a fantastic human being, and I'm glad you think similarly of me, too.

I need to find a party now. MUST SOCIALIZE. I do NOT feel like packing today at all. Too many feelings swelling up and swirling about.


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