Last night we were discussing how fast our relationship has moved. I was trying to think of an apt metaphor so I could feel it, and here's what I came up with:
Not the speed of a runaway train,
Not a roller coaster drop,
But rather
A plane in the sky!
Take-off, we could feel it,
But now we're in the air
and it feels like coasting, cruising.
We've got jet streams to ride
and we can see so much from up here.
Not to say we spend all our time in the clouds--
it doesn't feel like it--
Just that we're not scared, it doesn't feel scary to me.
It feels right.
It feels as though we'd be able to land safely if we felt out of control.
We're communicating on radio.
And, to top it off,
we can eat on this ride,
and the food is actually good.